IS-BAO Frequently Asked Questions
How many IS-BAO registered operators are there?
There are currently 700 registrants located in 35 countries.
Is this is a new program?
The IS-BAO program has been in existence since 2002.
Is the program recognized by any governments or regulatory bodies?
IS-BAO registration ensures conformance to ICAO standards for privately operated large or turbojet aircraft. Several states that have incorporated these standards into their regulations recognize IS-BAO as and acceptable means of compliance.
My operation already has a safety program and SOPs. Why do I need IS-BAO?
The Safety Management System (SMS) is based on ICAO standards and is a comprehensive, measurable system that integrates all aspects of the flight department operation. Additionally, the operations and maintenance standards are based on best operating practices used by worldwide business aviation operators.
Our flight department does not fly internationally. Why do I need IS-BAO?
If you don’t operate internationally your department does not have to use the IS-BAO standards based on ICAO standards. But, your department will benefit from the comprehensive Safety Management System (SMS) which integrates all aspects of flight department operations and the best operating practices developed by the business aviation community.
What aspects of flight department operations does IS-BAO cover?
There 13 chapters in the IS-BAO standard, each covering a different aspect of flight department operations, ranging from SMS through flight operations, maintenance and security. See (hyperlink – chapter headings) for a list of the subjects covered.
I am an aircraft charter operator (or aircraft management organization). Will ISBAO benefit my operation?
While the IS-BAO standard is based on ICAO requirements for private operations, more than 200 worldwide air operating certificate holders are current registrants. IS-BAO provides core standards that will also accommodate commercial operations standards. Importantly, the SMS is a universal system applicable to all types of operations.
We operate a single aircraft with just a few people; is IS-BAO appropriate for us?
IS-BAO is scalable for the smallest to the largest flight departments. Extensive guidance material is provided to assist all applicants in meeting the standards.
How expensive is it to implement IS-BAO?
The fee to purchase a lifetime subscription to the IS-BAO Standard is $1200 plus the audit fee which varies according the size of the department (see next question), and a small registration fee are the only financial outlays involved. The expenditure of time and effort to implement IS-BAO may require up to twelve months of part-time effort by members of flight department.
What does an IS-BAO audit cost?
Audit fees vary depending on the experience of the auditor and the size and complexity of the flight department. The operator and auditor establish a mutually acceptable price for the audit during the contracting process.
Is there an audit registration fee?
Once the IS-BAO Audit Manager has approved the audit report the operator submits a registration application to which a fee of $750 applies.
My flight department already has a good operations manual. Do we have to write a new manual?
We encourage operators to keep their existing manual but revise it as needed to accommodate the IS-BAO standards.